Friday, December 17, 2010

I feel good..

For the first time in over a month I don't feel overwhelmed with what is on my 'plate', I have some holiday time to catch up with things at home, and time off at the college to get ready for the start of a new year, a new program and a new course.
I have some serious life evaluating to do during these days, I really hope that I can take the time to do that. Has anyone else noticed that time goes by WAY too quickly?! Its unreal!  Sometimes it seems that by the time I get to 'put my feet up' its time to get back up and get busy! I know that part of that is what I do to myself; I take on a lot.
I wonder if that is linked to my weight loss battle? I don't know how many people know me or my struggles... it feels like I have told everyone (and their dog too) about how hard weight loss has been for me... about how living with hypothyroidism has been hellish and the battle to work through the exhaustion and weight gain is the hardest thing I have ever done... This past snowfall, I tried on my snowpants - time to get ready for snowboard season afterall... and they don't fit. My winter jacket is a little too snug for my liking and its too late to do anything about it for this season... now it might sound all boo hoo of me, but really its quite the wake up call... now my weight is impeding on my friendship time - this is really not good. In the next breath, I don't know what to do, it feels like I have tried everything - God I need you! I can't do it on my own! (I've proven that!)
So anyway enough whining.. I feel good! Its almost Christmas! (and my 27th bday!) I am really looking forward to my Birthday Celebration with friends...I think that I have a lot to be thankful for!
OH!  One more thing - Matt starts work on Monday - Thank you Lord for answered prayers!

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